Drinkeii, I have seen these tactics before. These are street ball type moves that teenagers are now using and can be seen in rec leagues, intramurals, etc. I have yet to see the moves in organized ball with a legitimate coach. In 3 I would definitely whack, in 2 I would most likely whack, and in 1 I would be a little more careful to whack since this happens a lot in games as a strategic move by the thrower-in to get the ball back when he can't find someone open or when he is the point guard and wants to take the ball up the court. If you know for a fact that any of these 3 tactics are done just to show off or taunt the opponent and is not a strategic move to help the team I would whack. In fact I just reread your post and you did mention for each situation that we are assuming it is done to taunt so I would whack in all 3 instances. Picture Jason Williams from Memphis doing this to Charles Oakley. Do you think if this is not addressed that nothing will be done about it? I think not, so I would handle it before Oakley does.
eli roe