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Old Mon Nov 17, 2008, 12:23pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Ohio, cincinnati
Posts: 813
Originally Posted by btaylor64 View Post
I personally think this should be handled "in house". I don't think there is any need to talk to the assignor. JMO
What would you do if this was just an fan, who got out of line?

I would hold the official to a higher standard than the fan so if you deal with the fan by having them tossed you have to toss this clown, and if you just have the administration talk to him about his actions you at least do the same for this guy.

Once you have him bounced or dealt with it becomes an issue for the school and the kid probably wants his dad tossed anyway for making a fool of himself.

your choice with the assignors but I don't care if that guy was the assignor I am not tolerating that behavior from a fan I really am not going to take it from a brother official.
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