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Old Mon Nov 17, 2008, 07:42am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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"By Rule" Versus "Intent And Purposse" ???

Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
There's a rule/casebook ruling that clearly addresses what to do when the scorer makes changes to the book and doesn't inform the floor officials until later? Could you please point it out me?
Me too. Please. Seriously. It would make my job of developing this study guide a lot more easier. I want to finish this project, hopefully this week.

My research of both the rulebook, and the casebook, has found this language, "The foul must be charged when it occurs and enforced when the ball next becomes live. Once the ball has become live, it is too late to penalize.", associated with these infractions:
- add a name to the team member list.
- require the scorer to change a team member, or player number, in the scorebook.
- require a player to change to a number in the scorebook change a designated starter.

And this language, "If it was not recognized by either official, but was called to their attention after the ball became live following the first dead ball, it is too late to assess any penalty.", associated with this infraction:
- have more than five team members participating simultaneously.

And this language, "Charged if recognized by an official before the ball becomes live following the first dead ball. Once the ball becomes live, the substitute is a legal player at that point, the foul is not penalized.", associated with this infraction:
- substitute shall not enter the court without reporting to the scorer; and without being beckoned by an official.

Yet, we all can't seem to agree on the enforcement of these time limits? Why not? Would it be easier for us if I asked for input on these penalties if I was asking strictly for help in taking a written, "by rule" exam, not taking into account "intent and purpose" of the rule? Were these infractions always this hard to enforce, or have the penalties changed that much in the past twenty-seven years?
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