Originally Posted by Juulie Downs
I would have tossed him during that very game. And then puked on his shoes. But as to Saturday, don't bring it up yourself, but if he even hints at the incident, be sure you mention how completely unprofessional it was for him to say anything about your calls. It's inexcusable. ALso be sure your assignor/commissioner knows.
Welcome back! You've been away far too long and we've missed you! I agree that its inexcusable, but I probably wouldn't toss him. If he's that immature, he probably wouldn't learn from being tossed anyway. I used to work with a guy who got tossed routinely before he started officiating. My how his eyes were opened when he stepped on the court the first time.
I DO agree with you about NOT bringing it up. But if he did I'd probably pounce on him like a cat on a mouse!