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Old Fri Nov 14, 2008, 03:26pm
archangel archangel is offline
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Originally Posted by SmokeEater View Post
The way this guy was acting is unacceptable -I agree. I also disagree about going directly to assignor/association. It would depend how well you actually know the guy. Alot of times you can handle these with a simple "what the Heck was with that act at the game." Like you say point out its innappropriate and then let his reaction dictate the next step.
I look at it this way. If an official in the stands doesnt know any better and is yelling out the working officials name, then do you really think saying "what the Heck was with that act at the game" is going to make him see the light? Of course not! That person is either too stupid or too new.
If he did it once, he'll do it again until OFFICIALLY reprimanded- hence notifying the assignor/assoc. Dont pass the buck to the next crew.
Though we are taught to ignore fans unless extreme (hello game mngmnt), I might also have him removed (htbt) for being an official using my name-- ...if its just another fan that knows my name, I may just ignore him
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