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Old Fri Nov 14, 2008, 09:03am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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2000-01 Interps -- Part 3 of 3 (Supplemental Interps)

SUPPLEMENT #1 (11/9/00)

SITUATION 1: Al is an airborne shooter preparing to release the ball on a shot attempt. Instead of releasing the ball on the try, Al fumbles the ball (while stifi in the air) and drops it. Al then returns to the floor and secures possession of the ball. RULING: Traveling violation. While airborne the bail must be released for a try or pass. (4—43-3a; 94)

SITUATION 2: During a throw-in by Al, in Team A’s frontcourt, A2 jumps in the air and catches the ball. A2 then lands with the left foot in A’s frontcourt and then puts the right foot down in the backcourt. RULING: Legal. The exception in Rule 9-9 allows the player to make a normal landing and it makes no difference whether the first foot down is in frontcourt or backcourt. (9-9 Exp 1)

SITUATION 3: Al is in the act of shooting and is fouled by Bi. The contact by Bl throws Al off balance and in an effort to make a play Al passes off to teammate A2 instead of proceeding through with an off- balance shot. The official rules that the pass-off by Al is not a factor as it was not the original intent and only the result of the contact by Bi. RULING: Al is awarded two free throws for the foul conunitted by Bi. COMMENT: Provided the official deems that Al was in the act of shooting when fouled (the player had begun the motion which habitually precedes the release of the ball for a try), the subsequent pass-off is ignored. (4-40-3; 4-40-1; Summary of Penalties #5)

SITUATION 4: Al is fouled by B2 and is awarded two free throws. The foul is B2’s fifth foul. The trail official reports the fifth foul to Team B’s coach. Before a substitute is made, the lead official incorrectly permits Al to attempt the first free throw. The trail official realizes the error and huddles with the lead official. RULING: The result of the first attempt shall stand. Team B’s head coach shall be notified of B2’s disqualification. Once B2 has been replaced, Al shall attempt the second free throw. COMMENT: This is an official’s error and not a correctable error situation according to Rule 2-10. (10-6 Pen; 2-8-3; 10-5-id)

SITUATION 5: Al is fouled in the act of shooting and is awarded two free throws. Al is injured on the play and Team A’s coach has been beckoned on the floor to attend to Al. Although by rule Al should leave the game until the next legal opportunity to substitute, the officials make an error and permit Al to complete the free throws before leaving. The opposing coach objects and insists that Al’s substitute should have shot the free throws, and a correctable error has occurred. RULING: The officials made an error by permitting Al to remain in the game. This is not a correctable error for a wrong player attempting a free throw, even though Al is required to leave the game by rule. (3-3-5; 3-3-3)

SITUATION 6: Al is fouled and Team A is in the bonus. Before Al attempts the one-and-one, Al is whistled for a technical foul for taunting. Al goes to the free-throw line to attempt the one-and-one with no players lined up. Al makes the first free throw, then the horn sounds and the scorer indicates that Al’s technical foul was the fifth foul on Al. RULING: The result of Al’s first free throw shall stand and Al’s replacement shall attempt the remaining free throw (if the first was successful), before Team B shoots its technical foul free throws. COMMENT: This is not a correctable error for a wrong player attempting a free throw. Al was not officially disqualified until the coach was notified. (3-3-3; 4-14-2; 2-8-3; 2-10-lc)

SITUATION 7: Al is attempting the second throw of a one-and-one when simultaneously B3 fouls A3, and A2 fouls B2 while the free throw is in flight. Both teams are in the bonus and B has the possession arrow. RULING: A2 and B3 are charged with personal fouls. Team B puts the ball in play with a throw-in under the alternating-possession procedure. COMNENT: This is incorrectly interpreted in the 2000-02 NFHS Basketball Handbook (p.8’l). (6-3-3g)

SITUATION 8: Al has started a try for a goal (is in the act of shooting), but the ball is not yet in flight when the official blows the whistle for B2 fouling A2. Al’s try is successful. RULING: Al’s goal shall count because the foul was committed by the defense after the try had begun. COMMENT: The foul by the defense need not be on the player in the act of shooting for continuous motion principles to apply. (6- 7 Exp 3)

Last edited by APG; Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 10:07pm. Reason: easier to read