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Old Fri Nov 14, 2008, 09:03am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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2000-01 Interps -- Part 2 of 3

SITUATION 10: Al jumps from inbounds and gains control of the ball in the air. While in the air, the player tosses/drops the ball inbounds and momentum then carries them out of bounds. Al then returns to the court and is the first to touch the ball inbounds. RULING: The ball never touched out of bounds and the player returned in-bounds and re-established him/herself before touching the ball. Therefore, the play is legal and play continues. (7-1-i; 7-1-2)

SITUATION 11: Al has the ball in A’s backcourt, against a press; as the action goes on, A2 breaks to his/her basket and Al throws a full-court pass to A2. As the ball reaches A2 it goes off the backboard and enters the basket for a goal. RULING:
The official must determine if the throw was an attempt at a basket or a pass. If it is deemed a pass, then by definition it is not a try and therefore can only be awarded two points. (4-40-2, 3; 5-2-1)

SITUATION 12: On the second and final free throw, Al’s attempt becomes lodged on the flange. RULING: Since the ball was live, it shall be put into play by the alternating-possession procedure. (6-3-3d)

SITUATION 13: Al is at the free-throw line to shoot a free throw. The lead official bounces the ball to Al, and Bl, who is in one of the free-throw lane spaces, a) reaches out and intercepts the bounce pass without breaking the vertical plane of the free-throw lane with either foot and then requests a time-out; or b) breaks the vertical plane of the free-throw lane and intercepts the bounce pass and then requests a time-out. RULING: This is NOT a warning for delay situation, as outlined by Rule 4-46. In both situations, a technical foul shall be called for Bl delaying the game by preventing the ball from being put in play. (10-3-7a)

SITUATION 14: After a made basket by Team 8, Al has the run of the end line for a throw-in. Al’s throw-in is intentionally kicked by Bl. Is Team A awarded a designated spot throw-in or may it again run the end line for the throw-in? RULING:
There is no provision to allow Team A to run the end line. After any violation, the ball shall be put in play from the designated out-of-bounds spot nearest the violation. No exception to this rule is noted. (7-5-2)

SITUATION 15: Immediately following a goal in the first quarter by Al, A3 slaps the ball away so that Team B is unable to make a quick throw-in. In the second quarter, A2 reaches through the inbounds side of the throw-in boundary plane. RULING: The official shall sound his/her whistle and go to the table to have the scorer record a team warning for the specific delay after it has occurred. The specific warning is then reported to the head coach of Team A. Any subsequent delay for interfering with the ball following a basket or throw-in plane violation by Team A shall result in a technical foul charged to Team A. COMMENT: The three warning situations listed in Rule 4-46 are treated separately. (4-46; 9-2-11; lO-1-5c,d)

SITUATION 16: The home team had its floor re-painted in the off-season with its school mascot painted in the middle of the floor. The mascot is painted over the division line, so that the line is obstructed and not clearly visible. RULING: There is no penalty accessed to the home team. Every effort shall be made by home management to place a line (temporary or permanent) on the floor. If a temporary line is placed on the floor, precautions should be taken with the substance used to minimize the risk of injury to players and officials. Every effort should be made to play the game. The official should notify the state association of the situation. COMMENT: If you are aware of a facility in which this could occur, contact your state high school association to determine how the situation should be handled in your state. (1-3-2)

SITUATION 17: Dribbler Al is being closely guarded by B2 in A’s frontcourt. A3 sets a screen on B2 to allow dribbler Al a pathway to the basket. However, Team B switches defenders after the screen and B4 is now closely guarding dribbler Al. When B4 took over guarding dribbler Al, he/she properly established a legal guarding position and maintained the 6-foot guarding distance. RULING: The closely guarded count on Al shall be maintained even though there were two different defenders involved. (4-23;9-1O-1)

SITUATION 18: Al and Bl begin to fight during a dead-ball period. Two bench players from Team A, A6 and A7, leave the bench area and enter the court to be near the action. Bench player B6 also leaves the bench area onto the floor and begins fighting with bench player A6. RULING: Al, A6, A7, Bl and B6 are all disqualified and each is charged with a flagrant technical foul. The head coach from Team A is charged with two indirect technical fouls (one for A7 leaving the bench and one for A6 leaving the bench and becoming involved in the fight). The head coach from Team B is charged with one indirect technical foul (for B6 leaving the bench and becoming involved in the fight). Team B is awarded two free throws followed by the ball for a division line throw-in, because the number of participants does not correspond. (10-3-10; lO-4-lh; 10-4-4 Pen)

Last edited by APG; Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 10:06pm. Reason: easier to read