Fri Nov 14, 2008, 12:41am
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Location: Sierra Nevada Mtns
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
No. Put back in rule context, the youth courtesy runner rule for pitcher and catcher (requires a legal sub, can only run for one position, run for position not player, etc) is now extended for all levels of Fast Pitch. If you do Men's, Women's or 23U, you know that is how they play most of the time, anyway, so now it is extended to Championship Play rules, not a local exception.
The ADA exception will apply to maybe 5 people in the country; but, it does. If an ADA certified individual (must have card, etc) bats and gets on base, and his disability affects running, they may have a courtesy runner similar to the Seniors, meaning any available player or sub. This isn't something worth getting worked up over; the odds of you needing to apply this in your lifetime are pretty limited.
I'm not sure what you mean.
Can they CR for F5 in JO championship play next year?