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Old Thu Nov 13, 2008, 11:02am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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2001-2002 Interps Part 2.

SITUATION 11: Each team and the official scorer have been notified that Team A has called a 30-second timeout. Team A decides to sit down on its bench. RULING: Incorrect procedure. The official should first inform the coach that his/her team is to remain standing during a 30-second timeout. If the coach refuses to adhere to the officials’ request, an unsporting technical shall be assessed. (5-12-5)

SITUATION 12: Team A has used all allotted time-outs. The scorer notifies the referee, who properly advises the Team A coach at the beginning of Team A’s last called time-out. During play later in the game, A4 attempts to call time-out when he/she is being pressured by B2 and 83. U2 ignores the request by A4. RULING: U2 should honor the request of A4, even when this would be a time-out in excess of the number allotted. Game officials do not have discretionary authority to assist players in avoiding rules violations. (2-7-6; 5-12-2)

SITUATION 13: With three-tenths of a second or less left in the first half, Team B has been charged with only four team fouls. Al is at the free-throw line for one free throw. Al’s shot hits the rim and bounds off. A2 legally taps the ball toward the basket and is fouled by 83. The ball had left A2’s hand and the foul occurred before the period-ending horn sounded. The tap is unsuccessful. RULING: 83’s foul is considered in the “act of tapping” and will result in two free throws for A2. The lane will be cleared and the period ends after A2’s free throw attempts. (4-40-1; 4-40-5,6,7)

SITUATION 14: Al, while dribbling near the sideline is close to his/her teams bench area when his/her coach reaches over and grasps Al’s arm to bring the player closer to the sideline to give instructions. RULING: Out-of-bounds violation. A player is out of bounds when he/she touches the floor, or any object other than a player, on or outside the boundary. (7-1-1)

SITUATION 15: Al is awarded two free throws. The officials fail to notice that A2 has lined up in one of the lower marked lane spaces that should be occupied by Team B. The officials discover it immediately after the first free throw is successful. RULING: The officials should call a double violation and cancel the first free throw. COMMENT: The officials could have prevented this double violation by observing player positions before putting the ball at the disposal of the shooter. Since they did not catch the violation before the free throw, the penalty for the violation must be enforced. (8-1-3; 9-1-2; 9-1 Pen (3))

SITUATION 16: Al, while dribbling the ball in the frontcourt near the mid-court line, has the ball strike the mid-court line and as the ball comes up from the dribble, Al touches the ball and continues to dribble. RULING: Backcourt violation. Al may not be the first to touch the ball after it has been in the frontcourt, if he/she or a teammate last touched or was touched by the ball in the frontcourt, before it went to the backcourt. (9-9-1)

SITUATION 17: Al is slowly dribbling the ball up the court. Bl is lightly “tagging” Al, but is not impeding Al’s forward motion. The official warns Bl to “keep hands off.” RULING: This is a foul. There is no warning. (10-6-1)

SITUATION 18: Al is driving towards his/her basket with Bl following. Al goes up for a lay-up. Bl goes up as well and commits basketball interference. After the basket interference, but before either player returns to the floor, Bi also fouls airborne shooter Al. RULING: The basket interference causes the ball to become dead immediately. Team A is awarded two points for Bl’s basket interference, Team B shall have a throw in from • anywhere along the end line. Bl’s foul is ignored unless deemed unsporting or flagrant. (9-11; 6-7-9)

Poster's Note: The above interp (Situation 18) was revised on the FED website a few days after it was posted to recognize that a foul on an airborne shooter is not ignored just because the ball is dead

SITUATION 19: With four minutes remaining in the game and the score 82-36 with Team A leading, B5 commits his/her fifth personal foul. With four other members of Team B already being disqualified for their fifth foul, Team B has no available substitutes. The referee confers with both coaches and subsequently permits previously disqualified player B3 to return to the contest. RULING: Incorrect procedure. The referee, with or without approval of coaches, does not have the authority to set aside a rule, even if the intent is to be compassionate or fair. (10-6 Pen; 2-8-3)

SITUATION 20: Team A is leading 61-60. Bi fouls Al in the act of shooting as time expires. As the officials approach the scorer’s table, the Team A coach rushes the floor and begins screaming obscenities at the officials. RULING: A technical foul is assessed to the Team A coach. The foul at the expiration of time is no longer ignored. The technical foul on the Team A coach created a false double foul situation, which may affect the outcome of the game. The penalties will be administered in the order in which they occurred. With the lane cleared, Al will shoot two free throws for being fouled in the act of shooting. If both are successful, the game is over. If one or both are missed, an eligible player from Team B will shoot the two technical foul free throws. The free throws will determine the outcome of the game or an extra period will be played. COMMENT: Jurisdiction of the officials is terminated when all officials leave the visual confines of the playing area. While the preferred action would be for all officials to immediately leave the playing area, such an observable action by the coach should be penalized as unsporting. (5-6-4; 10-4-ic; 4-19-8; 5-6-3 Exp)

Last edited by APG; Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 10:03pm. Reason: made easier to read