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Old Thu Nov 13, 2008, 11:01am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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2001-2002 Interps - Part 1

(an OCR'd version from a hard copy -- so no guarantees there aren't OCR errors).

SITUATION 1.: After the made basket, Al has the ball for a throw-in along the end line. 61 fouls A2 at: (a) the division line; (b) the free-throw line closest to the throw-in; (c) along the sideline by A’s bench; or (d) along the end line near Al. RULING: In (a) and (c) the ball is put in play at the out-of-bounds spot closest to where the foul occurred, which is along the sideline. A throw-in along the sideline is always a spot throw-in. In (b) and (d) the closest spot to the foul is the end line where the original throw-in was taking place. In both situations the thrower will retain the privilege of running the end line for the throw-in. (7-5-

SITUATION 2: Team A scores a field goal. 61 picks up the ball and steps out of bounds at the end line to prepare for a throw-in. Before the throw-in is completed, A2 is called for an intentional (or flagrant) foul on B3 near the end line. RULING: B3 would shoot the two free throws for the intentional (or flagrant) foul with the lane cleared. Team B will be permitted to run the end line on the ensuing throw-in. (7-5-7, 7-5-11)

SITUATION 3: While Al’s three-point field-goal attempt is in flight, A3 fouls 61 (B is not in the bonus) near the bottom block area. The three-point field-goal attempt is successful. RULING: Score the three-point goal for Al. Team B will be permitted to run the end line on the ensuing throw-in. (5-7-7 Exp (2); 7-5-7)

SITUATION 4: Team A scores a field goal. Bi picks up the ball and steps out of bounds at the end line to prepare for a throw-in. Before the throw-in is completed, A2 and B2 foul each other simultaneously. RULING: This is a double foul (fouls are recorded, but no free throws attempted), which results in an alternating possession throw-in. Even if Team B retains possession, its right to run the end line is negated by 62’s foul. Therefore, the throw-in is
—from-a-designated spot out of bounds nearest the foul. (6-3-3f)

SITUATION 5: Both the home and visiting teams appear on the court wearing similar gold jerseys. RULING: The officials inform the home team that they must change to a different color jersey. The home team should wear light and visiting team dark jerseys. (3-4-6

SITUATION 6: The school-sponsored cheerleaders wish to use megaphones as part of their cheerleading routines from the sidelines. RULING: The new rule prohibiting artificial noisemakers would not apply to the cheerleaders in this situation. The megaphones would only be legal for the cheerleader’s use, provided they were being used appropriately. (1-18)

SITUATION 7: A player, for religious reasons, may not wear shorts. Would he/she be able to wear tights under the basketball uniform shorts or warm-ups instead of shorts? RULING:
NFHS basketball uniform rules do not require that the uniform pants be “shorts.” However, undergarments or tights may not be worn which extend below the pants. Wearing tights below the uniform shorts would be illegal. However, the player could wear long pants as the uniform “bottom” and be in compliance with NFHS rules. (3-4; 3-5-5)

SITUATION 8: During the pre-game warm-up, the officials observe that A4 is wearing a ring with tape covering it. The officials notify A4 that he/she must remove the ring in order to participate in the pre-game warm-up and the game. A4 responds that the ring cannot physically be removed. RULING: The referee informs A4 and A’s head coach that A4 cannot participate while wearing a ring, even with the tape covering it. (3-5)

SITUATION 9: At the end of their pre-game warm-up, players Al, A4, A5, A9 each dunk the ball and subsequently leave the floor and go to their dressing room. RULING: A technical foul is assessed each player. The game starts with eight (8) free throws (2 for each of the technical fouls) and the ball is awarded to B at the division line opposite the table. Four team fouls toward the bonus are assessed to A. The head coach of A is assessed an indirect technical foul for each offense (4) and is subsequently ejected from the contest. Any coach assuming the responsibilities of the head coach for the game would not have the use of the coaching box. (10-3-5; 10-5 Pen)

SITUATION 10: During a dead ball, Team A sends multiple substitutes (#33, #34 and #35) to report to enter the game. The substitutes will be replacing #22, #23 and #24, but, by rule, they do not indicate whom they will be replacing. A delay occurs in putting the ball back into play. During the delay or dead-ball period, replaced Team A player #23 re-enters the game without sitting out the required amount of time. The ball is put in play before the official scorer can recognize that #23 did not remain out of the game the required period of time. RULING: Once the ball became live after the illegal substitution, #23 becomes a legal player. (3-3-3)

Last edited by APG; Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 10:01pm. Reason: Added spacing to make easier to read