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Old Tue Nov 11, 2008, 05:47pm
kylejt kylejt is offline
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This is not a rule discussion, it's one about ethics. Try this:

A BR is jawing about your strike zone. He hits a bullet to right, but you stick your foot out and trip him up. He gets thrown out from R9. The ol' FY foot, of you will. IMO, it's no different than ringing him up on one around the chin.

It's anger management issue. You're mad, and you want to get back at someone. It's natural. Now, how you act on it is the issue. We've all seen umpires handle things improperly. Heck, even the World Series some clown had to rip off his mask and yell at the dugout.

We are supposed to be the keepers of the game. We should be above the FYC. Call it a high horse if you wish, but it was how I was raised.