Mon Nov 10, 2008, 09:04am
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Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 18,161
Originally Posted by BillyMac
I've done this, with no time out called, during the end of games where the benchwarmers are waiting to get in. As I pass by the coach, I'll say, "Do you want me to get these kids in?", blow the whistle during a "lull" in the action, tie my shoe, and get in the subs, some of whom are very excited to get into a varsity game, and possibly get a point or two, thus getting their name in the box score in the paper. I've been told by veteran officials to just blow the whistle, but I prefer to tie my shoe. I can remember being in the same situation back when I was in high school, and having the clock run all the way down before a substitution opportunity. Very disappointing.
That doesn't work during an NCAA game, by rule.