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Old Sun Nov 09, 2008, 10:36pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by rsl View Post
Since I'm a newbie and ref mostly Soph/JV, I often have untrained student scorekeepers, and they sometimes (several times last year) blow the horn during a live ball, for example

1) while the shooter has the ball during a free throw
2) While the thrower has the ball at his disposal during a throw in
3) during live play

When the horn blows, In (1) the shooters rhythm is interrupted, and in (2) or (3) we often have half the players stop. Should we always immediately stop play?
No, you should follow the instructions in the Case Book.

When may the scorer signal? RULING: If the scorer desires
to call attention to a player who is illegally in the game, he/she may signal the official
when the ball is in control of that player’s team. If it is for a substitution, the
scorer may signal when the ball next becomes dead and the clock is stopped. If
it is for conferring with an official, he/she may signal when the ball is dead. If the
scorer signals while the ball is live, the official should ignore the signal if a
scoring play is in progress. Otherwise, the official may stop play to determine the
reason for the scorer’s signal.

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