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Old Thu Sep 12, 2002, 03:31pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Lightbulb Just an opinion.

I think you guys missed the point.

If we think we are dealing with cowards, then we might be completely underestimate the enemy. No one said anything about them having courage, but they surely are not cowards. Cowards back down from confrontation, not give their lives for things they believe in.

Bill like me do not call these individuals or any individual that gives their lives for anything cause a coward. They died too. So did the suicide bombers in Israel or the ones that hit many targets all over the world. Just because we do not agree with the actions does not mean it is cowardly. I do not consider what the Japanesse government as cowardly. No more cowardly than what we did in the Gulf war or bombings of Iraq that we did. Japan just like us bombed a country with their interests in mind. In both cases both seemed to fail becuase neither attempt dismantled the governments they were trying to destroy. Actually Pearl Harbor strenghtend our resolve and turned up the heat, and our actions against Iraq under Bush Sr and Clinton have strengthend the resolve of Iraq and Suddam Hussian is still there.

If they are cowards then to me they would lay down when we attack or confront them. All our actions have done is raise their resolve. If we think they will lay down because we threaten them or confront them, we might be in over our heads. We must understand that they are playing for keeps. Are we willing to do all of this when our children come back home in body bags and we are all not sure why we are doing what we have set out? It seems like they will take several casualties and not blink. I am sorry, I cannot call that cowardly by any definition.

Either way we are in for an enourmous fight. Calling them cowards we might be doing our side the biggest deserves.

Just one opinion.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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