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Old Tue Nov 04, 2008, 12:06am
aschramm aschramm is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 131
Being a first-year guy, I probably take much more than what I should. Probably because I'm not really sure where my "line" is yet, and whether or not a coach crosses it.

I had a youth game last weekend, where a coach was upset about a (I believe) DPI call against them called by the LJ across the field from me. I gave him an explanation, but he didn't like it. Then in the second half, his team was on defense and there was a possible block in the back committed by the offense on a sweep to my side. All I saw from the right corner of my eye was the defensive player falling down, but saw no contact so I couldn't throw a flag for it. Shortly after I hear "These guys must be blind today" (yeah, probably should've thrown it). However, I heard but didn't see the person say it, so I didn't flag it because it may not have been a coach. Although it probably was since all the fans were on the opposite side of the field. But since I did not see the act, and didn't know exactly which coach it was, I decided to keep the flag in my waist.
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