It's easy to tell when one reads through the posts, the level of play one works, and or experience, overall knowledge as well as ones ability to comprehend the intent of the written word. From the outside looking in, I find myself siding with SDS, Tim, Ozzy and Bobby more than not. I'm slow to jump on a fellow umpire as we all make mistakes. Unfortunately when the mistakes are there for all to see and against all mechanics that are taught, it's tough not to. The plays missed were pure mechanic failures...moving, not set...timing issues, (even the locked one) angle/distance, those things we're taught while growing up and beat into us as young umpires, struggling to learn the two man system. In six man mechanics they shouldn't happen, they do. Obviously, this year there were plenty throughout the playoffs. Terrible calls are terrible calls, and as an officiating forum there will be discussion on them.