If I saw that play in a game I would probably eject the player. It's one thing if you start in the normal standing position and then cross the receiver line to hit a kicker after he has kicked it. This player took a running start and hit the kicker a second or two after he kicked it. That was extra-ordinary and definitely flagrant.
I'm guessing the coach will eventually get an USC for loudly complaining about your foul.
One problem I see with calling this during the game though is it's possible neither the BJ or LJ could see the hit. The BJ is watching for encroachment on the kicking team and the kicking team is not that far beyond the kicker when he was hit. The LJ is keying on the other R blockers going down field. Since it happened so quickly in the middle of the K players, they may not have seen it until after the kicker was hit. If you didn't see him get hit, you can't assume how he got there.