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Old Mon Oct 27, 2008, 08:47am
archangel archangel is offline
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Originally Posted by Coltdoggs View Post
....League Admin asked me if I'd jump in and we'd finish the game with 3 refs....I said sure, knowing I was going into the fire and feeling bad for my two Ps as it probably made them look bad to everybody in the place....but they really needed a 3rd set of eyes......
I could see it if it was a V or maybe, maybe, a JV game, that for whatever reason, only had 2 officials, but 7th grade?
It sounds like you didnt know the officials and its possible that they didnt know 3 man mechanics, which adds another mental element to their "game".
We've all had crazy games like this, and at this level, how would you feel if an "unknown to you" official injected themselves into your game? What did your P's say after the game?
League Admin can ask all they want, but asking is 1 thing, getting another.....
Considering that the 2nd half was a continuation of the 1st, your presence didnt change things much good deed goes unpunished..
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