Originally Posted by topper
Put aside from where the change came, why it was made, and who it affects. Forget how long we've been doing it the other way. Considering the angles and depth perception each of the 2 positions (on the line or rotated / your favorite, counter-rotated) offer, which umpire can make the most informed decision?
IMO, the umpire which has a more accessible view from the open side of the batter.
Unless the umpire is positoned up the middle (which I don't think is as necessary in FP as SP), U1 is going have a better view of the RHB and U3 of the LHB.
I agree that the B or C does not offer the best position, but they do offer a full view of the bat, arms and hips of the batter. The umpire on the line looking at the back of the batter will see more of the batter's backside than anything else. Think about the slapper that runs up, but checks low. U1 may be guessing, at best.
Other thoughts include a runner on first. U1 is now responsible for:
Illegal pitches
Runner maintaining contact with bag
Check swing
Meanwhile, U3 is responsible for:
I would really love to hear the SUIP's reasoning behind this change. Maybe there is something I'm not seeing here.
Much to the dismay of the ASA bashers, the source is irrelevant. I would have the same opinion no matter who put this out, NCAA, NFHS, ASA, NAFA, USSSA, NSA, USFA, TC, LL, BR, etc.
Edited for necessary spelling correction.