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Old Thu Oct 23, 2008, 05:38pm
With_Two_Flakes With_Two_Flakes is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Great Britain
Posts: 244
We play NCAA Rules over here in the UK and have no problems since NCAA Rules and AR's are quite specific on this point. Firstly NCAA Rules have a Section about Defensive Team Requirements (7-1-5) and a specific AR 7-1-5-II that addresses this exact issue.

Snapper A1 legally begins the snap, but B2 bats the ball before A1 completes the snap, and B3 recovers the ball.
RULING: Team B foul and the ball is dead.
Penalty -- Five yards from the succeeding spot. Team B may not touch the ball until it has been snapped. Team A retains possession.

I'm not quite so familiar with Fed rules as I only get to work them a couple of times every 3 or 4 years when I travel to the US. Fed rules lack a specific section for defensive requirements, but perhaps this is because the Fed Rules Ctte. feel there is adequate existing coverage in 7-1-5 already.

However, Rule 7 Section 1 BEFORE THE SNAP Article 5 says no player except the snapper shall encroach on the neutral zone. That includes the defence. I would think it reasonable and appropriate to interpret "before the snap" to mean "before the end of the snap".
The end of the snap is defined in 2-40-3 as "when the ball touches the ground or any player". Therefore I would maintain that it cannot be legally possible for a defensive player to put his hand across to touch the ball before the snap is completed since he will have encroached.
Sorry Death, you lose.... It was Professor Plum!
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