Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
You might be working one umpire games, so that might be sufficient in your games. We work all two man here; and, as a base umpire, I sure as he!! think I need to hear it, too.
If you are verbalizing "ball" (and, yes, it is necessary), then verbalize it loud enough for the base umpire(s) to know the count, too!! And, here's an interesting side benefit; not only will the infielders know (and stop asking) the count, but you can be darn sure the pitcher should be able to hear it, too.
I know what you mean Steve, but I have never had an issue with my partner knowing the count. When my right arm goes up in a hammer you turn that strike wheel, when it doesn't you turn the ball wheel. And I am normally loud enough that the pitcher and BU can hear, my point was you don't have to yell ball, or say it as loud as a strike call, but you should say it and loud enough "so those who need to hear can hear it" as it was put to me in a clinic. Funny my partner has no issue knowing on a swinging strike it wasn't a ball, again that right arm in the air is pretty unmistakable.
Ok it's a joke before you pounce on me cause the BU can see them swing. And about the count, I give it as instructed also, on the 3rd pitch and everytime that the next pitch could end the at bat X-2, 3-X but I have seen a lot of umpires that don't lately....seems to add to the questions from everyone on the count.