Originally Posted by DaveASA/FED
Then your doing it wrong. In the words of just about every clinician I have ever heard "Every pitch is something, so you better call it something" paraphrasing from some, this is a PG board so i can't say what a few have told me
Ball calls should be verbalized but just loud enough for those that need to hear it, ie catcher and batter.
You might be working one umpire games, so that might be sufficient in your games. We work all two man here; and, as a base umpire, I sure as he!! think I need to hear it, too.
If you are verbalizing "ball" (and, yes, it is necessary), then verbalize it loud enough for the base umpire(s) to know the count, too!! And, here's an interesting side benefit; not only will the infielders know (and stop asking) the count, but you can be darn sure the pitcher should be able to hear it, too.