Sorry Chuck but I don't for one second regret the thread I posted. I can only speak my convictions. I can't be worried about others. I guess some folks are mad at me and that's unfortunate. If one thread forfeits years of online friendship, that's truly sad.
The truth is rainmaker and Dan_ref had pretty much stopped posting here quite some time ago. Larks and rockyroad have been infrequent posters of their own choosing long before I made the fun go away.JRut addressed that several weeks ago
IMHO the forum is much better today than it was 3 weeks ago. That's not because anyone has come or gone but because posters are posting about basketball in the basketball threads and having their "community fun" in the off topic threads. That's all I asked for. Someone must have agreed with me because I haven't seen any more moderation in the past three weeks than I did in the last three years. I even emailed the site administrator and got no response at all.
If Woody has chosen to leave, that's unfortunate. I believe that I was the first poster here to ever have any communication with him outside the forum. While we don't agree on every single issue, it was seldom when we did disagree. I enjoyed the discussions with him and always respected what he had to say, even when we disagreed.
Finally, it's interesting that Scrapper says that he never visits the NFHS site, yet he emailed me on three seperate occassions because he was having diffculty registering as a user there. Oh well...such is life.