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Old Sat Oct 11, 2008, 08:02pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Rule 4: Disposal ???

Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
That's not really a concern here because the ball isn't at the disposal of the free thrower as in the case of RPP.
Maybe? When the ball is bounced by the lead official to the free thrower, and the free thrower catches the ball, it is at his, or her, disposal. For the next ten seconds, the thrower's team may call a time out. If, after two seconds, the thrower, who has control of the ball, bounces it off his, or her, foot, into the lane, has the thrower "lost" disposal? Common sense seems to indicate yes, disposal is lost. However:

The NFHS has definitions of when a ball becomes live, and when a ball becomes dead. It also has definitions of when a try begins, and when a try ends. To the point, the NFHS has definitions of when the ball is at the disposal of a player, but, as far as I can determine, doesn't have a clear definition of when disposal ends. Maybe loss of player control, that is, a player holding, or dribbling a ball, ends disposal. Again, common sense seems to indicate yes, disposal is lost when player control is lost. But we all know that a few NFHS rules, and interpretations, don't seem to follow common sense.

The casebook play makes this situation, and interpretation, very clear, but I can't seem to wrap my hands around a rule that would direct an official to call a violation.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Sat Oct 11, 2008 at 08:08pm.
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