I agree with Roger here. If it looked like F3 held the bag, you make the call and stick with it, no defensive appeals after the play is over. If you're not sure about a possible pulled foot, you immediately ask the PU ("Roger, did she have the bag?), then sell the call, SAFE or OUT depending on the PU's response ("No, she didn't" or "Yes, she did.")
In reality, the defense should not be allowed to appeal this call because it is a judgement call. You judged that F3's foot was on the bag at the time of the catch, and that judgement is not appealable.
Now, since you did ultimately change your call, your partenr could invoke rule 10.6.C to put R2 back on 3rd.
Rule 10.6.C The Plate Umpire may rectify any situation in which the reversal of an umpire's decision or a delayed call by an umpire places the batter-runner, a runner, or the defensive team in jeopardy. ...