Originally Posted by dash_riprock
The runner is not out because the AWARD of home occurred before the MC. Even though the ball is dead on the MC, the ejected runner is permitted to complete the base award.
No. Assuming you are referring to NFHS, the following caseplay shows that runner is out, and the run does not score.
3.3.1 SITUATION S: With two outs and the bases loaded, B6 hits a home run out of the park. R3 maliciously runs over (a) F4 before touching second base or (b) F5 before touching third. RULING: In both (a) and (b), R3 is declared out and ejected. In (a), the third out is a force, so no runs score. In (b), the third out was not a force play, so runners who have touched the plate prior to the infraction would score. Please note that in awarded situations it is not the base that is awarded, but rather the right to advance and legally touch a base with no play being made."
Note that in screwy FED notation R3 means the runner who was on first base.
R3 (usually termed R1) is awarded home by the home run, but he is not allowed to complete the award, because he is declared out for malicious contact.