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Old Fri Sep 26, 2008, 09:36am
mikesears mikesears is offline
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Originally Posted by hawkishowl20 View Post
That is what I remembered. I guess I was hoping their was some guideline as to what obviously out of the play is. 10 yards from ball? 15? 20? Behind the ball? In front of? I know this is ticky tac, but I’m curious as to what others think it is.

I know this is ridiculous, but you could interrupt “out of the play” as virtually impossible because they are on a football field during a “play.” That is what the old and masochistic coaches think. I don’t know the guideline as to what that definition is, I can only guess… which I try to eliminate by asking questions.
The majority of these will jump out at you if you are being a good clean-up official. You will see the player carrying the brick and targetting an unsuspecting opponent.

A player who is either jogging downfield without a care as to where the ball is or a player standing still watching the ball are often targeted for this kind of illegal hit. However, those aren't the only two that can be fouled. A player in chase mode who is losing ground to the runner and more of an observer can also be fouled if you judge him to be "out of the play". The first two should be easy to get. The third one is more difficult.
Mike Sears

Last edited by mikesears; Fri Sep 26, 2008 at 09:39am.
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