Originally Posted by boboman316
I had a game in the past where I was on team A's sideline. There was two people moving at the same time at the snap (illegal shift).......
Two people moving at the snap is illegal motion, not an illegal shift.
Illegal Motion:
7-2-7...ART. 7 . . . Only one A player may be in motion at the snap and then only if such motion is not toward his opponent’s goal line. Except for the player “under the snapper,” as outlined in Article 3, the player in motion shall be at least 5 yards behind his line of scrimmage at the snap if he started from any position not clearly behind the line and did not establish himself as a back by stopping for at least one full second while no part of his body is breaking the vertical plane through the waistline of his nearest teammate who is on the line of scrimmage.
An illegal shift would have occurred had one of your two guys stopped (shifted) while the other one didn't and continued his motion at the snap. S shift occurs when a player stops moving. If he does, then everyone has to stop for at least one second.