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Old Mon Sep 22, 2008, 09:01am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by tjones1 View Post
This year I've been working the wings in the under class games. I've learned a lot, but obviously I'm still in the process. Here's the situation I had last night and I appreciate your feedback.

First half...
Coaches (Team B) are wondering out onto the field and in front of me. I say: "Hey Coach, could you help me out a lot and stay within your box."

Fast forward to the second half...
Team B is on defense. Team A runs a sweep toward me. As the runner advances, I'm moving down field with him. All of a sudden a coach from Team B pops out in front of me (on the field) and I don't see him - we collide. I admit that when it happened I know I looked like a deer in headlights because I certainly wasn't expecting it. I threw my flag and tried to recover getting down field to the end of the run. Obviously, I was late getting down there and getting a spot for the umpire.

Obviously, the coach wasn't happy I dropped one on him and began to give me his coaching resumé saying that he'd be coaching for 41 years and that they were freshman and he'd never seen anything like that before, etc.

Side question... I know as wing officials we carry an important part in the game in that we are a link of communication between the coaches and us (officials). As a wing official, is there a point where that bridge is burned and you no longer provide that link?

As always, thanks for your help and feedback.

Edit: I don't believe it matters but it was a 4-man crew.

A coach on the field with the play in the imemdiate area is definitely a flag, at minimum. Objectionable Conduct.

If he interferes with an official, I have half a mind to eject him. When two items collide, the law of conservation of momentum says that the faster-moving object is going to fall hard. My personal safety is worth more than any coach who feels it necessary to be on the field can convince me.
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