Originally Posted by shipwreck
OK Mike I'll give you that. I just don't see how by someone moving on to college softball, they are player in complete control while they are warming up a pitcher, yet when they are not in college they aren't. I guess it is just like not having a jewelry rule in NCAA softball. Dave
Just the same as no requirement for masks on batting helmets. Personally, I think the only reason some of the equipment requirements are in place is due to the need of the real brilliant people of our "society" to blame everything on someone other than their own stupidity and the lawyers and judges which buy into that sad excuse for "intelligent" human beings way of thinking. Think about it. Why should it be necessary to mandate a catcher wear a chest protector? Same with a glove/mitt. The NCAA mandates a player wear a glove. However, ASA does not. But who in their right mind would play without a glove?
Did not mean to jump all over you as I know you are not alone in this train of thought, just don't agree with the point that someone needs to protect me from myself.
BTW, anyone know why there is a 2004 ASA Certified bat logo on Page 52 (electronic format) of the 2008 NCAA Softball Playing Rules under the Undershirts/Undershorts part of the Uniform Rule?