Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
Depends on the atmosphere of Rec League you are officiating in. I've ref'd my share of Rec ball and there some leagues where you are better served by literally telling the ball players to "quit whining and play ball" or "I ref, you play, and that's end of this conversation".
Most times these guys acknowledge they are just whining and at the end of the game they shake your hand and thank you for coming out and working their game.
You're absolutely right... I was mainly adressing the comment:
Originally Posted by fiasco
He and his brother had been jawing at my partner and me the whole game.
No matter what animal I'm working, coaches/players will NOT be "jawing at me nor my partner" the whole game, especially wreck ball. 3 Ts & the crew goes home early, with pay.
Originally Posted by fiasco
I issued one T in the first half of the game in question.
Good for you! Without those in our back pocket a game could quickly turn into a fiasco