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Old Thu Sep 18, 2008, 07:34am
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
No difference....

Why should any official have to consider at anytime how any coach feels about any call?

That was my point....and I'd bet also that Snaqs didn't mean his post to convey the message that it actually did convey.
They shouldn't. They should just call the game - iow, they should do the job they're paid to do.

Many officials will figure out soon enough, if not through a basic understanding of human nature, then through game experience, what rulings coaches typically get emotional over.

Example: a close play on a break where the block/charge ruling surrounds the official's judgment if LGP was earned, versus an easy no-brainer where LGP had roots. In the first situation, an official should not call the block or charge based on any perceived emotion that will come from one of the coaches, but the official will certainly know in his head that one of the coaches (in this example) will be emotional about the call. In the second situation, a coach that complains about the call of an opponent that had roots and drawing the PC is just being a goof.

That's the difference.
Pope Francis
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