Originally Posted by hawkishowl20
When? maybe if you picture me screaming and throwing things I was disrespectful. However, I was not doing so. I can ask for clarification or an explanation. I can state rules. I was given no explanation and told to check a rule book before opening my mouth (screaming and pointing). I also have the advantage of having parents and coaches that have witnessed every game I’ve coached. They were appalled by this big bad ref attacking this honest coach with a legitimate concern. I typically address any official as sir or sirs and give any benefit of the doubt to them. My team never whines or complains about any call, they tell captains and/or coaches about them. This in my experience are rare traits.
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I would consider calling someone an 'idiot' disrespectful.
Plus, it seems to me, that your first post was pretty much a whine. Just how I read it. We have all made mistakes on the field, missed calls, etc., but I think our reaction was pretty justified considering how this all started, and your refusal to accept the truth.