Thread: opening tip
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Old Tue Aug 29, 2000, 01:17pm
walter walter is offline
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Posts: 306

Originally posted by rainmaker:

You forgot to quote the most important part. If we run together the various subitems as if they made one sentence it sounds like this:

"Alternating-possession control is established and the initial direction of the possession arrow is set toward the opponent's basket when...(Art 3)the ball is placed at the disposal of the thrower after:...(item a) a violation during or following the jump before a player secures control." This means the arrow is not established until the ball is placed at the disposal of the thrower.

My question is about the phrase, "before a player secures control." Did the jumper establish control enough that the rule quoted above doesn't apply. It appears to me the answer is no, but I can see how some folks might feel this is open to interpretation, and I can imagine different refs ruling different ways. Is there another rule that would give a more definitive "correct" interpretation? I can't find anything, but then I don't have the experience to guide me.

The answer depends upon what rules you're playing under. NCAA the jumper A1 has controlled the ball illegally. Therefore, B gets the ball for a throw-in (first legally established control) but as soon as the throw-in ends, the arrow is pointed toward Team A (Rule 6-2, BI 6-2-5). However, under NFHS, casebook play 6.1.3C(D), team B gets the throw-in because of the violation AND gets the arrow because control was established when jumper A1 caught the ball.
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