Thread: opening tip
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Old Fri Jul 07, 2000, 05:33pm
JC JC is offline
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Posts: 28

NF and NCAA can't agree on this either. It is my opinion that control and the violation occur at exactly the same time (i.e. when the ball is caught). So, somebody has to decide (by rule) which occurred first for consistency.
Unfortunately, NF and NCAA decided differently.

If A1 catches the ball, NF rule interpretation is that control was established, and then the violation. NF Case 6.3.1C(d): "...A1 had control when he/she caught the ball." So B gets the ball, AND the arrow.

Same play, NCAA interpretation is that the violation occurred before the possession.
NCAA Interpretation 6.2.5: "...A1 catches the tossed ball... The first legal possession is by B1 on the throw-in. As soon as the throw-in by B1 ends, the AP arrow is changed toward team A."
So B gets the ball, BUT A gets the arrow.
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