I think the confusion may center around what we consider a 'protest'. To me, that is a formal process where a team asks to have a missapplication of a rule reversed. Some may think that a coach who comes out to discuss a call is 'protesting' , but not in the formal sense.
Now, the thought that someone could protest 'anything they want' really depends on the body that is accepting and ruling on the 'protest'. When I worked in LL, a game I worked was 'protested' because the house rules stated that no inning shall start after 7pm. The visiting team manager protested that I started the bottom of the 6th inning after 7 PM. The protest was upheld, because "I did not accurately determine what the correct time was" (per BOD, I should have checked with both managers to determine the 'correct' time). So the bottom of the 6th was wiped off the books, and the game stood as a tie.
This was one of my last LL games I worked for this particular league.
Bob P.
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