Look, what the guy did was despicable, no argument from me.
However, we are not part of that group. We did not experience living and working with this individual for 30 years. Those who did had no idea and many could not believe it when he was arrested. How many of us have had a relative, neighbor, friend, priest/rabbi/minister/spiritual conselarl or acquaintence who have gotten into trouble and couldn't believe it?
Do you delete all memory of what good that individual may have done for you or others? If they gave you something you hold dear, do you discard it? If that individual built your house, are you going to move out and burn it to the ground?
This man stopped umpiring. Ever try thinking he realized he had a problem and removed himself from the situation about which everyone is now upset? From what I have read, this guy made no attempt to fight any accusations or penalties.
You know, people screw up and do things many of us would never contemplate. Do you know this person has not made ammends or changed? Did you know this man prior to his sins? Do you know this man since being released from jail? Are you that pure to judge others? Seems to me this guy will get his due, sooner or later. As far as his time on earth, he is still doing his time.
This was a private organization with an award which they sponsored. As reported, it wasn't an e-board or a committee, but the entire membership group which determined the man's past performance on the field and the baseball community. Who the hell are you or I to tell them how to run their organization?
If the people of Torrington, CT want to discard this group because of their action, that is their business, no one else's. If these people are dumb enough to think, "well, they rescinded the award, so I guess it is okay to have them now", they are not too smart. The umpire group did not change their opinion of the man, but reacted to bad press. I would be more impressed with them if they stuck by their guns and lost their contract and lived with it. Apparently, they thought it was worth it when the announced the award admittedly knowing it was going to create a controversy.
Meanwhile, where are all these people who insist this nation and its laws were built upon Christian ideals? Seems to me there are a helluva lot of "christians" in lapel pins and finances only providing a load of lip service, but not willing to live by the crap they shovel upon us heathens.