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Old Wed Aug 14, 2002, 09:52am
Tim C Tim C is offline
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I love it when everyone puffs their chests out!

I think it is interesting when we get involved in these "off the beaten track" discussions that Bob Jenkins always seems to have the correct answer.

Now I will certainly give BlueZebra Bob the resepect for his comments on scoring. It would be hard for me to believe that ANYONE has scored (offically and at home -- Aside, the BEST Keith Obermann line ever on SportsCenter, "For those of you scoring at home -- GOOD!") more games than I have and I have never heard of ANY scorer marking if a fly out was fair or foul BUT in these days of SABR math I pass that decision to Bob.

Ryan, our priorities for a call (as we all know) is "Fair/Foul", FIRST. When any fly ball is taking a fielder towards the line it is imparative that we signal FAIR/FOUL first. This will save you in the long term when the fielder juggles the ball several times as he is on, near, or crossing the line.

"Fair/Foul, catch/no catch" were developed over the years for a reason. Trust me it has nuttin' to do with scoring and everything to do with helping the umpire keep a priority that insures a consistant performance every time.
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