Originally posted by Tom Cook
I am primarily a wing but I've worked quite a bit of umpire in lower level games. The first thing that the experienced guys have told me is "Don't back up!!" Move from side to side but if you back up you are far more likely to get smacked. I've always used a lanyard whistle to umpire and have gotten along fine. It is true that umpires don't use their whistle a lot.
Umpires really don't need to use their whistles a lot.
First, you have to see the ball before you blow. My view is an umpire rarely gets a clean view of the ball. Then, you need to get the spot and most referees tell their umpires they will never have the spot, well almost never.
Most of the time one of the wings will have the whistle. Exceptions are long passes you get the BJ's whistle. Sacks you get the referee.