Thread: A-11 Offense ??
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Old Fri Aug 08, 2008, 04:19pm
Fadamor Fadamor is offline
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As a VHSL head linesman, what amazed me is how much of the YouTube video of the A11 offense contained illegal activity that should have been flagged. The first clip had the "deep" back only 6 yards from the line of scrimmage (illegal formation) and the next play shown had an illegal shift due to the final motion man not waiting 1 second after the previous shift to start his motion.

The A11 formation may be legal, but it apparently spawns a plethora of OTHER illegal activity - all in the name of "confusing the defense" (and apparently the officials, too, as none of the things I noted were flagged). Keep the offense within the other rules and the defenses facing them might have less difficulty adjusting.
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