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Old Wed Aug 06, 2008, 10:36pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by mu4scott

Breaking down tape helps to see things more clearly and thus decipher the facts. That's why I did so on this particulair play because there are such varied opinions.
Just so you know, people that break down tape extensively, do not always agree on the same things they see. Why is that you might ask yourself? Maybe the angle was not good on the tape. Maybe the people watching do not have the same judgment level. Maybe the people watching do not have the same experience level. Just maybe they simply disagree on what took place (there is a novel idea).

You sound like you want a cookie or an award because you broke down this play instead of taking in what others have to say and why they have to say it.

Originally Posted by mu4scott
I fully realize that I've not pionered the art of instant replay and the process of framing of videos.

I'm trying to get to an NCAA Final Four so yes I'm very aware that I have a long way to go.
You will never get the opportunity if the people that make those decisions feel you know more than what they know. And I am going to tell you that this play would likely be discussed on many levels and someone might actually disagree with your opinion.

I go to a lot of college camps and if I have learned anything from them, I know not nearly as much as they do and I know when to take in their advice even when I disagree with them instead of insisting that I am right, just because. If you disagree with my point of view on this situation that is your right to do so, I do not recall that your disagreeing with me is going to change my life any. And just because you show frame by frame does not change the fact that you cannot see how much contact, if there was contact or if there was contact by looking at someone’s back. You must be able to look between players to call this play one way or the other. And if there is an official in the best position, they had a better look than you or I did. And if you do not realize that, not much anyone can do to help you.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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