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Old Wed Aug 06, 2008, 09:06pm
JRutledge JRutledge is online now
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Originally Posted by mu4scott
"It is not clear there was much or any contact." - JRut..

(Enough said, I'm done debating this issue w/ you)

"He fell flat on his front, not on his side. And if someone falls on their front part of their body and they just made contact with a person right in front of them, why did he not fall on the defender? Inquiring minds want to know?" -JRut

(For a blurry video you sure saw his body positioning awfully clear. The defender bailed out/flopped thus the offensive player could not land on him).

As I stated earlier in the thread this has been a great play for discussing other officials views and how others might see the same play. For some reason you seem to be threatened (thus insulting myself and others) when others don't see things your way. I spent time breaking down this video and trying to explain what I saw. Most on here agree after seeing it frame-by-frame that the contact warranted a foul.

As I've told you before not everyone on this forum is an elite official. I guess it makes you feel better to come on here and belittle the less experienced (yes I can read). Have a nice evening JRut.
If you are so worried about being belittled, then stop acting like everyone has to see what you see. For one it is clear to me you either do you have the experience of seeing this kind of play or you would accept that veterans have a take not only based on the tape, but their extensive experience. And the blurry part of the video and the angle I would not bet a game check there was contact or that the contact was significant or illegal. I have seen that play several times where no contact or little contact occurred and the shooter falls hard to the floor. If you do not want to buy that, then why do you still debate with me (and others) what we saw? You obviously know more than us. Remember I am not coming here to learn from you, I can see for myself and that is why I go to camps every year and several times a year. It is clear you must not be able to read very well if you cannot see my point of view very well. Or you are just another official that thinks they know everything. Unlike you I know I did not have the best angle, you on the other hand know what happen. It was not like I was the only one either (I might have been first to say it, but not the only one).

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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