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Old Tue Aug 05, 2008, 01:56pm
mbyron mbyron is offline
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This is not technically "coach interference," which by definition involves "physically assisting" a runner. So we won't get an out on this play. (ODJ, note that the OP has the base coach, not the defense, interfering.)

Instead, it's interference with a live ball by an authorized person. Kill it ("TIME!") because of the interference.

Now, is this "bad behavior?" The coach presumably wants his runners to advance, so why is he stopping the ball from entering DBT? Makes no sense to me: if the ball was going in, I'm still awarding the bases.

This is not rewarding bad behavior, it's just declining to punish stupid behavior. No such punishment appears in the rules, but there is an interp about awarding bases when the ball would have entered DBT.
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