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Old Mon Aug 04, 2008, 06:24pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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15 Minutes, Not A Good Time To Daydream ...

Originally Posted by JRutledge
I would not go as far to suggest something an official does not see when it comes to jewelry that it is bad officiating. Not all jewelry is easily seen. We may not easily see what is on a player's ear because of their hair style, the color of the player and the color of the jewelry. I know even when looking for things, it can be difficult to always see jewelry on a player. I am not going to ever fault an official for missing something that is often very small and harder to see from a distance.
You're right. What I really meant is that is the responsibility of the officials to observe players warming up, looking for jewelry, casts, uniforms, headbands, wrist bands, duplicate numbers, illegal numbers, etc. There's a reason why the NFHS wants officials on the floor at least 15 minutes before the starting time. If we look for these infractions, we're doing our job, even if we miss something. If we don't look for these infractions, we're not doing our job. If we're daydreaming, flirting with the cute mom in the first row, or talking to the fans, we're not doing our job, and that's bad officiating.

Last edited by BillyMac; Mon Aug 04, 2008 at 06:27pm.
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