Originally Posted by rei
No reason to eject here.
Since when does the coach need to call time to argue? LOL I too won't pick on something petty like that. Just gonna make things worse.
I also am NOT going to run away from the play immediately either! When I am making the "big call" I am staying down and staring at the play. Yup, this DOES invite them to come out. No problem. Me staying there or not, if they WANT to come out on me they will, and staying there means less time wasted waiting for the coach to make it across to field towards me. I also think that leaving the position too soon makes it appear that you know you blew the call and are "running away" from it. MANY coaches agree with this perception. Just ask around a bit.
I think there are two sides to this, really. On one hand, if you stay, it looks like you're looking for a fight. If you go quickly, it looks like you are running away.
My method: I make the call with good timing, turn, and jog back to the A position. With good timing, it certainly doesn't look like you're running out of there. All that said, I wouldn't have stayed as long as the guy in the clip. I expect a coach to disagree with the call, it went against him, after all.
And coming completely set and being critical of a call where the umpire isn't is overrated, I agree. I work basketball and many of my calls are made on the run.