Fri Aug 01, 2008, 03:37pm
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
Yeah, but there are National Tournaments, and then there are National Tournaments. In an ASA/USA National, the coaches wouldn't even try to ask, I don't think. Even when Tyrone Davis (Batbusters) was the scourge of ASA 18 Gold, I don't believe he ever made that demand.
In a more regionalized, or territorial "National" (with lesser teams, and lesser coaching), the coaches might try it. IMO, the last thing they need to believe is that they have the ability or authority to make that demand. The UIC has that ability and authority, and needs to do what is best and appropriate for the integrity of the game.
That's because 10.2 states that since they cannot request a change in umpires during a game must mean that they can prior to the game. Is that the way coaching logic works?