Originally Posted by MichaelVA2000
Situation: National Tournament
If the ejected coach or the assistant coach approached you insisting that the umpire who did the ejecting not be allowed to umpire any more of their games during the tournament, what would your response be?
Sure coach, as long as you don't coach the rest of the tournament

Sounds like the umpire was just taking care of business.
I assist our state deputy UIC and we've never had any problems like this in 'state' tournaments. When I did my last national here there was one other local umpire besides myself. We were asked if we had any problems with umpiring the home team. Even though we could've done a great job, we both declined so there would be no perceived bias and avoid any potential conflict.
Speaking of tournaments, looks like there won't be a ASA men's masters 40 over FP this year. I just spoke with the person handling team registrations and there were only two...from the host city. I was really looking forward to doing another one. I'll probably get confirmation a little later.