I do both; assign, and UIC.
I would NOT go out of my way to intentionally assign that umpire that umpire to that team again. I would have made a reasonable effort to see if there was an inherent conflict, and, if I could, would have made my own move BEFORE the schedule was posted to avoid any unnecessary drama.
If the schedule is posted, I would approach the umpire involved, and read his reaction. We gain nothing if he sees a conflict, so a field swap would be in order if 1) he sees a conflict, or 2) if I think he acts like he is unable to start the new game as a new game on a new day.
What I WON'T do is let the coach tell me what umpire is acceptable; the team can play the game with the umpires I put on the field, or can forfeit. Those are the only choices.
And, I don't (and won't) work for a TD that would try to TELL me how to assign umpires. I would allow the TD to give me input on the situation, but not an ultimatum. If one tried, he would have no umpires available for that field, or any other field.