Thread: Assignments
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Old Fri Aug 01, 2008, 01:24pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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Originally Posted by MichaelVA2000
Situation: National Tournament

Through scheduling and results of other teams being eliminated during bracket play, an umpire is assigned to a game where this umpire had ejected the head coach the previous day for dropping the F bomb and poor sportsmanship.

Question: For UIC’s and Assignor’s

If the ejected coach or the assistant coach approached you insisting that the umpire who did the ejecting not be allowed to umpire any more of their games during the tournament, what would your response be?
I no longer uic tournaments nor assign games, however, when I did........
You can bet your bottom dollar that the ejecting umpire would see that coach at least one more time.

Edited to add -
I expected and demanded that all folks working for me approach each game as a new game with unknown participants.
If an umpire could not - and there were a few - I made a swap.
Steve M

Last edited by Steve M; Fri Aug 01, 2008 at 03:06pm.
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