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Old Thu Jul 31, 2008, 08:41am
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
if one knows the rule and knows how to appky it, one should not have any problems in making the call no matter how close it is. Besides, if the block/charge is that close, go with the charge.
Aren't these two statements kind of at odds? You're saying you should have no problem. And you're also saying that there are plays that are a problem, so go charge. That seems a little contradictory.

And by the way, why hasn't this response generated debate from Jurassic? Jurassic, you're all bent out of shape about trying to call these plays like your partner. Just referee the damn play, right? Well, how is "just call it a charge" any better than "call it the same way as your partner"?
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